This Sunday, Nov. 15th:
This Sunday we will continue to have two services at 9:00am and 10:30am.
We will celebrate communion together during both worship services. Communion elements will be available for you to pick up as you enter the sanctuary.
Don’t forget to bring back your shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child; they are due this Sunday! Please include $9 shipping for each box. Thank you!
There will be nursery & toddler care and children’s programming for all ages during the second service. If you prefer, you may attend the first service and sit together as a family.
The service will be live streamed only during the 9:00am service. It will be posted on Face Book if you prefer to watch the service at a later time.
Drive-By Open House:
Larry Byrnes is celebrating his 80th birthday this Sunday, November 15th. There will be a “drive-by” open house to honor him at his home (1562 Harvest Drive, Goshen 46526) from 2-4 pm. Larry would be honored and blessed to receive your waves and well-wishes as you drive by and wish him a Happy 80th Birthday!!!
THANK YOU from our pastors!!
Pastor Drew, Pastor Russ, and Pastor Jordan would like to thank each of you for your cards, notes of encouragement, and gifts that they received during Pastor Appreciation month! Your kindness and generosity are such a blessing and greatly appreciated!! Thank you all for your love, support, and prayers!!
Volunteer Appreciation Open House:
On Wednesday, November 18th, the staff will host a Volunteer Appreciation Open House to honor all our NLF volunteers. The open house will take place in the NLF Cafe from 3:30-6:30pm. We look forward to this opportunity to not only thank you, but to spend time connecting with each of you. We hope you will be able to attend!
Update on Student Ministry:
Due to the recent rise in Covid cases in our area as well as a number of our students and leaders who have been affected by it, the NLF Youth Leadership Team have prayerfully decided that we will not be meeting in person for Wednesday night youth group for the next few weeks, but will be offering Youth Group Live online (more info on that to come). We will reevaluate the Covid situation in our area after thanksgiving to determine if we can once again start meeting in person. Our hope is that we will be back to in person youth group as soon as we safely are able. We will keep you updated about our plan moving forward and what options will be available (either online or in person) for our student ministries.
Soles For Jesus:
We are still collecting new or gently used shoes for the preteen service project “Soles For Jesus”. There is a box in the foyer for you to drop your donations in! We’re collecting walking sandals and tennis shoes which will be sent to Africa. Would you consider helping us reach our goal of 300 pair of shoes?
Holiday schedule at NLF:
Sunday, December 22 Christmas Celebration Service
Thursday, December 24: Christmas Eve Service 6pm
Sunday, January 3: Virtual Service only (Facebook Live)