New Life Fellowship | Topeka, IN


We are glad you're Here!

Prepare yourself for what to expect at New Life Fellowship!

Sunday Mornings

Our Sunday Worship services begin at 9am & 10:30am every Sunday and lasts around 65 minutes.

Doors open early; coffee and donuts are available in the cafe.  

The main entrance is on the west side of the church (facing SR-5).  

Someone will be at the door to greet and assist you with whatever questions you may have.

Weekly Groups

There are several weekly groupings, meetings, events, bible studies and more throughout the week. 

Come connect and fellowship with others. 


There are two services every Sunday.

First Service: 9:00am

Second Service: 10:30am

We are live online every Sunday at 9am. We stream both on Youtube and directly on our website. A link to our livestream is also posted on our Facebook page every Sunday.

Sunday: 9:00am – 12:00pm

Monday: Closed

Tuesday-Friday: 8:30am-4:00pm

Saturday: Closed

We have parking on the North, South and West sides of the building. There is also handicap parking near the north and south face doors. Drive-ups/Drop-offs are also available at the front entrance.

There is no set dress code at NLF.

NLF does not have membership.

There is coffee and donuts available in the café every Sunday between both services (10:00am).

Communion is observed once each month and during certain special events.

During our 10:30am service, we have a number of options for these ages:  birth through 3rd grade (Kids Country), 4-6 grades (Connect Pre-teen Ministry) and 7-8 grades (Junior High)! With the exception of the Nursery and Toddler ages, all other kids start in all-church worship and are dismissed prior to the message. Explore our ministry pages to find out more. 

Fill out our connection card so we can know how to connect with you better! If you are looking to serve, visit our serving page to learn about what opportunities are available. Our staff would love to meet you – if we don’t find you, come find us!  We would love the opportunity to welcome you!


Service Times

Sundays 9:00 & 10:30am