This Sunday there will be two services at 9:00 and 10:30 am.
There will be coffee and light refreshments between the two services.
Dr. Dave Rahn will bring the morning message.
We will celebrate communion during both worship services.
The service will be live streamed on FaceBook and on the church website during the 9:00 am service. It will be accessible on both Face Book and the New Life website if you prefer to watch the service at a later time.
PLEASE TAKE NOTE: NLF now has a new phone number!
Due to on-going issues with our church phone, New Life Fellowship now has a new phone number. It is (260) 977-9588. Thank you!
A Big Thank You from our Preteens:
The Connect Preteen class would like to say a BIG THANK YOU for supporting our pumpkin and mum wagon with your generous donations! We look forward to being able to use those donations to adopt families for Christmas and spread some cheer to some families and kids who would otherwise not be receiving gifts. Thank you so much for your continued support!
Connect PreTeens Event:
The Preteen Fishing & Fun by the pond event was postponed last week due to inclement weather. This Sunday, October 2nd, preteens can stay after church for lunch, fishing, and fun. If your kiddo has a fishing pole please bring it along, but we will have a few to share. You can pick up your preteen at 2:30 pm.
Round Tables With Jesus:
Everyone is invited to join “Round Tables with Jesus”, a Bible study which meets from 9:30-10:15 am on Sunday mornings in the Meeting Place. Herman Yoder and Mark Sharick are leading this Bible Study on Revelation. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with others and study God’s word together. For more information, please contact Herman Yoder or Mark Sharick.
Wednesday Night Body:Life:
We currently have eight Body:Life small groups that are meeting on Wednesday evenings from 7:00-8:00 pm. Groups are still open if you would like to be a part of Body Life. A light meal is served at 6:15 pm and there are age appropriate activities for all children, preteens, and students. If you would like to sign up for Body Life please visit the Info Desk or use this link: Thank you!
Children’s Bible Quizzing:
We are excited to offer Bible quizzing for students in Kindergarten through 6th grade! We will study the book of John this year. Practices will be held on Wednesday evenings during Body Life (7:00-8:00 pm). Quizzes against other churches will be held every second Saturday of the month. If interested or for more information, please contact Stacy DeVerna.
Cleaning Team Needs:
Are you looking for a way to get involved at NLF? We are currently seeking new volunteers to fill 5 open positions on the cleaning team. There is a sign up sheet at the Info Desk showing the available positions. Please contact Barry Wiard if you would like more information.
Operation Christmas Child:
Shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child will be available in the foyer beginning October 9th. At the table you will find instructions on to how to fill the box, along with mailing labels, and examples of items to include in your box. Boxes should be returned by November 13th to the table in the foyer. If you have questions about this project, please contact Cathy Frey.
Trunk or Treat Event:
We will having a Trunk-Or-Treat event on Wednesday, October 26 (6:30-8:00 pm). We are looking for individuals who would be willing to provide a themed trunk and/or hand out candy to the children. If interested, please sign up at the Info Desk. Also, if you would like to donate candy for this event, there will be bins at the Info Desk and in the Kid’s Ministry hallway. Mark your calendar and plan to attend! This is a great chance to reach out to our community, so spread the word and bring your friends and neighbors!
Ladies Jireh Conference:
Join the ladies of 3C NLF Women’s Ministries at the Michiana Event Center in Shipshewana for Alabaster Heart Ministries’ Michiana Women’s Conference, Oct. 14th and 15th. This faith-based women’s event is the culmination of a dream six years in the making and you won’t want to miss it! We will meet at the church, and attend together. Tickets are available online at under the tab “conference.” Tickets may also be purchased by calling (269) 257-9675.
Ladies Wednesday Morning Breakfast:
All ladies are invited to meet for breakfast at the Country Corral (280 North Village Drive, Shipshewana), every Wednesday morning at 8:30 am. Come join this time of informal food and fellowship and get to know other women at New Life Fellowship. If you have questions or would like more information, please contact Sally Hart.
Church Seasonal Decorating:
All ladies are invited to help with seasonal decorating of the church (at Valentine’s Day, Easter, Summer, Fall, & Christmas). If interested, please contact Julie Wiard or any member of the Women’s Ministry Team. Thanks!
Attendance Sunday, September 25:
1st Service: 74
2nd Service: 196
Children: 92
Total Attendance= 362
Financial Report:
Giving September 18: $9379.00
Average YTD Weekly Giving for 2022: $8926.92
Needed to Meet Weekly Budget: $10,275.00
On the Calendar:
Monday, October 3: (10:00-11:45 am) Beth Moore/”David: Seeking A Heart Like His”
Monday, October 3: (6:30-8:00 pm) Jennifer Rothschild: “Take Courage”
Wednesday, October 5: “Everyday Godly Living” with Helen Leu (9:00-10:30 am)
Wednesday, October 5: Body Life Small Groups continue (7:00-8:00 pm)
Thursday, October 6: Men’s Prayer Breakfast (6:00 am)
Wednesday, October 26: Trunk or Treat Event (6:30-8:00 pm)
Sunday, October 30: Life:Start Welcome Lunch (11:30 am)