New Life Fellowship | Topeka, IN

May 6, 2021


This Sunday, May 9th, is Mother’s Day and Child Dedication Sunday!
Child dedication will take place at 10:20, between the two worship services so that our entire church family can celebrate this moment together.
There will be two services at 9:00 am and 10:30 am.
Pastor Drew will continue to teach his sermon series, “Be and Behold”.
The passage for this week’s Scripture Engagement time is John 1:43-51 if you would like to read or study it before this Sunday.
There will be Kid’s Country and Connect Preteen programming, as well as nursery & toddler care during the 10:30 am service.
“Made to Praise” Kids’ Choir will meet this Sunday during the 9:00 am service. They will be dismissed following adult worship.
There will be coffee and light refreshments between the two services.
The service will be live streamed during the 9:00 am service. It will be posted on Face Book if you prefer to watch the service at a later time.

Ladies Event:
A quick reminder about our ladies event this Friday evening @ 6:30 pm at New Life Fellowship! Come find a new “3 am Friend” … (or reconnect with old friends) – the kind you can call in the middle of the night when you really need someone to talk to, to care, and to pray with. It’s going to be a fun night of Ice-Breakers, Great snacks, Minute-To-Win-it Games, and an opportunity to connect with women who share your interests and passions. Registration is not needed. If you need childcare, please contact Julie Wiard. We look forward to seeing you Friday evening!

Graduation Sunday:
We will honor our preschool and high school graduates between the two worship services on Sunday, May 30th. If you have a graduate you would like to honor, please stop by the info desk and fill out a registration form. Please email a photo of your student to

Junior/Senior High Summer Camp:
Summer camp will be June 24-27 at Beulah Beach Camp in Vermilion, Ohio. This camp is for all students currently in 6th-12th grade and will include one day at Cedar Point. The cost is $290 by June 2nd. Registration forms are available at the Info Desk. Contact Pastor Jordan for more info.

Mystery Island VBS:
Vacation Bible School is one month away and will take place June 7-11 from 5:45-8:00pm. VBS is for children ages 4 years through 3rd grade. If your child is planning to attend, please register them thru the link below so we can make sure we have enough volunteers! We are still looking for individuals to help provide food in the evenings to the volunteers and people to help set up on June 6th at 5 PM. Please use these links if you wish to sign up on-line or see the table in the foyer of the church:
Kids –
Volunteers –

VBS Prep Days:
VBS decor prep work days will be Tuesday night 5/18 from 6-8 and Wednesday 5/19 starting at 9 am. Many helping hands would be greatly appreciated!

New Addition to the family:
Congratulations to Kurt and Paige Lambright on the birth of their daughter, Posie River, born on May 2nd! Posie is also welcomed by big sister, Piper.

On the Calendar:
May 9 Mother’s Day: Child Dedication Sunday
May 18 VBS Decor Prep (6-8 pm)
May 19 VBS Decor Prep (9:00 am)
May 30 Senior Recognition Sunday
June 7-11: Mystery Island VBS (5:45-8:00 pm)
June 24-27 Jr./Sr. High Summer Camp

Student Ministry: Wednesdays 6:30-8:30 pm
Moms In Prayer: Every Other Wednesday at 9:00 am (Next meeting, May 12th)