New Life Fellowship | Topeka, IN

March 10, 2022

This Sunday, March 13th, there will be two services at 9:00 and 10:30 am. Don’t forget to spring forward and set your clocks ahead for daylight savings time! There will be coffee and light refreshments between the two services.
The service will be live streamed on FaceBook and on the church website during the 9:00 am service. It will be accessible on both Face Book and the New Life website if you prefer to watch the service at a later time.

Preschool Enrollment:
Little Sprouts Preschool has applications available for the 2022-2023 school year. If you would like an application, you can contact Missy Eichelberger at or Molly Ryall. The younger class is for students ages 3-4 years old (the child must be 3 by February 1, 2022). The older class is for students ages 4-5 years old (the child must be 4 by August 1, 2022). Applications are accepted on a first come, first served basis.

Wednesday Night Prayer Meetings:
During the month of March we will have Wednesday evening Prayer Meetings in the sanctuary at 6:45pm. Come join us for a time of prayer and seeking the Lord together.

Body Life:
Beginning Wednesday, April 13-May 18th at 6:45pm we will begin a new ministry called,”Body Life”. With the hope to increase our companionship with Jesus as Lord, we invite everyone to join a round table for a time of sharing and praying as we connect in deeper ways with one another and with Jesus.

Kid’s Country Easter Egg Hunt:
On Sunday, April 10th (Palm Sunday), Kids’ Country will have an Easter Egg Hunt at the end of the 10:30 am worship service. This year’s egg hunt will include a special surprise that you won’t want to miss, so plan to attend! If you would like to donate candy for this event, please bring individually wrapped candy that will fit inside Easter eggs and place in the bins at the Info Desk or in the Kids’ Hallway.

Summer VBS:
Save the Date! Vacation Bible School will take place June 13-17 from 5:45-8:00pm. Registration begins this Sunday for children 4 years through 3rd grade. We will need many volunteers to help in various areas to make VBS a success. Sign ups are available in the foyer. VBS is a great opportunity for outreach in our community, so sign your children up and encourage them to invite a friend or neighbor!

Round Tables with Jesus:
Everyone is invited to join “Round Tables with Jesus”, a Bible study which meets from 9:30-10:15 am on Sunday mornings in the Meeting Place. Herman Yoder and Mark Sharick are leading this Bible study on the book of Romans. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with others and study God’s word together. For more information, please contact Herman Yoder or Mark Sharick.

Preteen Retreat:
Our Connect Preteens will be having a retreat on March 18-20!  If you have a 4th, 5th or 6th grade student they are invited to come!  We will be returning to Prairie Camp this year!  For more information or a registration form, please contact Kerin Miller.

Men’s Prayer:
All men are invited to join Pastor Russ on Thursday mornings at 6:00 am for breakfast and a time of prayer. If you would like more information, please contact Pastor Russ.

Attendance Report March 6th:
1st Service: 118
2nd Service: 163
Children: 72
Total: 353

On the Calendar:
Thursday mornings: Men’s Prayer (6:00 am at NLF)
Monday mornings & evenings: Ladies Bible Study (10 am & 6:30 pm)
Wednesday, March 16: Prayer Meeting 6:45 pm
Sunday, April 10: Kid’s Country Egg Hunt