This Sunday:
This Sunday, Jan. 24th, there will be two services at 9:00 am and 10:30 am. Pastor Drew will be teaching his sermon series, “New Mercies”. There will be nursery & toddler care and children’s programming for all ages during the second service. If you prefer, you may attend the first service and sit together as a family. The service will be live streamed during the 9:00 am service. It will be posted on Face Book if you prefer to watch the service at a later time.
Connect Ministry Winter Retreat:
We are excited to announce that there will be a winter retreat for our preteens (grades 4th-6th) on March 5-7. Parents will be receiving an e-mail providing the details and plan for the weekend. The retreat will take place at the Prairie Camp Retreat Center and the cost is $25 for the entire weekend. If you have questions, you may contact our Preteen Director, Kerin Miller.
CPC Baby Bottle Drive:
Compassion Pregnancy Center’s annual baby bottle drive has begun. Baby bottles are available in the foyer for you to take home, fill with change, and return by Sunday, Feb. 28th. Your loose change will allow Compassion Pregnancy Center to continue caring for mothers and babies, and in so doing, honor the sanctity of life. Thank you!
Offering Envelopes:
2021 offering envelopes are available for pick-up in the church foyer. If you do not currently have numbered envelopes and would like a set, or if you need an electronic giving form, please visit the info desk. You may also contact Becky Hunsberger at if you have any questions about giving.
On the Calendar:
Mondays at 10:00 am and 6:30 pm: Ladies Bible Study
Wednesdays 6:30-8:30 pm: Youth Meal and Student Ministry meeting
Sunday, January 31st: We will observe communion during both worship services