Marriage Ministry Feedback Forms
We hope that many of you were able to enjoy the valentine gift bags that were distributed last Sunday! Don’t forget to fill out your marriage ministry feedback form and return it to the basket at the Info Desk. You may also go to the church website ( to give your feedback. All forms that are received by Feb. 23rd will be placed in a drawing and one couple will receive dinner and a night’s stay at the Blue Gate. Your feedback will help the marriage ministry team discern what resources would be helpful to support marriages here at NLF.
24-Hour Prayer Vigil
NLF will be having another 24-hour prayer vigil on Thursday, February 20th. If you would like to participate, please see the sign up sheet at the back of the sanctuary. For more information contact Michelle Sharick or Joyce Brown.
Women’s Life
Women’s Coffee/Breakfast meets Wednesday mornings at 8:30 am at Country Corral in Shipshewana. Ladies scrapbooking and crafts meets on the second Saturday of each month at 9:00am at NLF.
Women’s Bible Study
Women’s Bible study will begin on Monday, March 2nd, and all ladies (high school and older) are invited to attend. There will be a morning session (Gideon, Your Weakness, God’s Strength: Priscilla Shirer) and an evening session (20:20 Seen, Chosen, Sent: Christine Caine). Sign-up sheets are located at the Women’s Ministry Desk in the foyer, or you can contact Mary Bultemeier for more information.
Baby Bottle Drive
If you took a baby bottle home to fill with change for the Compassion Pregnancy Center, don’t forget to bring it back this Sunday! These funds will help the Compassion Pregnancy Center to continue caring for mothers, babies, and life. Thank you for your generosity!
Nursing Mother’s Room
We have established a room for nursing mothers. It is located in the south hallway, in the room next to the preschool. This room will be reserved for mothers and babies during the morning worship service.