New Life Fellowship | Topeka, IN

December 9, 2018


Life Start Lunch

If you are new to NLF or would just like to discover more about the ministries that are offered at New Life, we would like to invite you to our next Life Start lunch following the service on Sunday, Jan. 27th. Our staff would love to meet you and help you discover how to get connected here at NLF. Please sign up at the Info Desk or talk to a one of our pastors if you have any questions.


Poinsettia Orders

This is the last Sunday to place your order to purchase a poinsettia in honor of a loved one. The poinsettias cost $10 and will be displayed in the sanctuary for two weeks before Christmas. You will be able to take your poinsettia home on Dec. 24th. Please sign up at the info desk.



NLF has adopted several families from our community this Christmas. If you would like to bless another family with Christmas gifts this year please visit the display at the back of the sanctuary and choose a gift to purchase. Gifts need to be labeled and brought back to the church by Dec. 16th.


Boomerang Backpack Project

It’s time to help Westview kids celebrate this season of giving by once again joining the Boomerang Backpack project! This year we are looking to collect 120 puzzles or books for kids in K-6th grade. We did a great job last year bringing smiles to kids though the bears we gave. Let’s shine God’s light in our community this Christmas season.


Share Your Christmas Greeting

Once again we are providing an opportunity for you to share your family Christmas card with the NLF Church family. Simply email a copy of your Christmas card to the church and we will scroll these photos at our Christmas services. Photos need to be submitted by December 20th.


Women’s Life

Women’s Coffee/Breakfast meets Wednesday mornings at 8:30 am at Country Corral in Shipshewana. Ladies Scrapbooking & Crafts meets at NLF on the second Saturday of each month at 9am.


Men’s Life

Men’s basketball (Hoops & Prayer) meets on Monday evenings at 7pm at Chuck Christner’s. Contact Pastor Jordan for more info.