This Sunday, August 29th there will be two services at 9:00 and 10:30am.
There will be coffee and light refreshments between the two services.
Our Life Start luncheon will take place following the 10:30am worship service.
The service will be live streamed on FaceBook and on the church website during the 9:00 am service. It will be accessible on both Face Book and the New Life website if you prefer to watch the service at a later time.
Save the date:
Our Connect PreTeens will be having a pumpkin & mum wagon beginning Sunday Sept 12th! Start your fall decor planning and visit their wagon, by donation. The wagon will be open for three Sundays (Sept 12th, 19th, and 26th).
Preteen Fall Event:
If you have a Connect PreTeen they are invited to stay after second service Sunday Sept 12 for food, fishing in the pond, & fun! You can pick up your kids at 2:30! For more information, please contact Kerin Miller.
Women’s Bible Study:
Calling all ladies! This fall we will be having a Monday morning Bible study, beginning September 13th from 10:00-11:45 am. We will be studying “Elijah: Faith and Fire” by Priscilla Shirer. If interested, please sign up at the Women’s Ministry Desk or contact Joyce Brown for more information.
Bible Study Fellowship:
If you are looking for an opportunity to be involved in a community based Bible Study, we invite you to join Bible Study Fellowship. For more than 60 years, Bible Study Fellowship has offered in-depth Bible study for men, women, and children of all denominations. This fall there will be a women’s group that meets at Shore Church on Tuesday evenings and a men’s group that meets at Trinity United Methodist Church on Monday evenings. They will be studying the book of Matthew. If you would like more information about BSF, please contact Jasmin Miller or Becky Hunsberger.
Genesis Walk:
On Saturday, September 18th, Reason for Hope will be sponsoring a Genesis Walk to raise money for Centrol Especial Gensis, a school that serves children with special needs in the area where Renee Helmkamp serves in the Dominican Republic. This event takes place from 10am until noon at Spreuer Park in LaGrange. To register, please contact Jamelle Godlewski or if you would like more information contact Jasmin Miller.
New Life Tailgate Chili Cook-Off:
On Sunday September 19th (4-7pm), we will be having our annual Tailgate Event. There will be food, games, and activities for all ages. We ask you to bring your favorite side dish or sign up for the Chili Cook-Off. We are looking for 8-10 individuals to set up a Tailgate and serve their favorite chili recipe. You may sign up for the Chili Cook-Off at the Info Desk.