New Life Fellowship | Topeka, IN

April 15, 2021


This Sunday, April 18th:
There will be two services at 9:00 am and 10:30 am.
Pastor Drew will continue to teach his sermon series, “Be and Behold”.
There will be Kid’s Country and Connect Preteen programming, as well as nursery & toddler care during the 10:30 am service.
There will be no Kid’s “Made to Praise” choir this Sunday. Kid’s Choir will resume on April 25th.
There will be coffee and light refreshments between the two services.
The service will be live streamed during the 9:00 am service. It will be posted on Face Book if you prefer to watch the service at a later time.

Ladies Event: “My 3 AM Friend”:
All ladies are invited to attend a fun evening of games, fellowship, and food on Friday, May 7th from 6:30-8:30pm. Come and get to know other women at New Life and begin to form deeper relationships with women who could become your 3 AM friend, someone you can contact any time you need support and encouragement. Don’t miss out on this fun event!

Child Dedication Sunday:
We will be offering an opportunity for child dedication on Mother’s Day, May 9th. If you would like to publicly dedicate your child to the Lord, please pick up a registration form at the info desk and return it to the office by May 2nd. Please email a photo of your child to Child Dedication will take place between the two worship services.

Graduation Sunday:
We will honor our preschool and high school graduates between the two worship services on Sunday, May 30th. If you have a graduate you would like to honor, please stop by the info desk and fill out a registration form. Please email a photo of your student to

Junior/Senior High Summer Camp:
Summer camp will be June 24-27 at Beulah Beach Camp in Vermilion, Ohio. This camp is for all students currently in 6th-12th grade and will include one day at Cedar Point. The cost is $275 by April 18th or $290 by June 2nd. Registration forms are available at the Info Desk. Contact Pastor Jordan for more info.

Deaf Child Hope Mission Trips:
This year NLF will be offering four opportunities to go on a mission trip with Deaf Child Hope. They are Haiti (June 7-14), Kenya (June 21-July 2), Uganda (July 2-11), and Jamaica (Sept. 29-Oct. 6). To apply for any of these DCH Mission trips go to:
For more information, you may visit the NLF Info Desk or contact Michelle Sharick.

Mystery Island VBS:
Vacation Bible School will take place June 7-11 from 5:45-8:00pm. Sign ups are now available in the church foyer or on-line. VBS is for children ages 4 years through 3rd grade. Many of the activities will be held outside, weather permitting. We will need many volunteers to make VBS a great success. If you would like to help with crafts, games, snacks, drama, or as a small group leader please visit the VBS table and sign up! Please use these links if you wish to sign up on-line:
Kids –
Volunteers –

Pre-Service Prayer:
You are invited to join our pre-service prayer time on Sundays in the NLF Prayer room. Prayer times are 8:30-8:45 am for the 1st service and 10:00-10:15 am for the 2nd service. Come join us as we we pray for God to move powerfully in our worship services!

Join the NLF Cleaning Team:
Are you looking for a way to get involved at NLF? We are currently revitalizing the cleaning teams and have open positions. Each team member does one job (which generally takes no more than 1 hour each week) for three months out of the year with a time commitment of only 12-13 hours per year. Visit the Info Desk to sign up or call/text our facility director Barry Wiard for more info.