Welcome Visitors!
If you are visiting with us today, we would love to connect with you! Please stop by the Info Center so we may answer any questions you may have. Our pastors will be in the foyer following the service and would love to meet you!
VBS 2018 “Time Lab”
Save the date! Our summer VBS will be June 5-8 from 8:45am to noon. Begin to consider how you will get involved. Also, mark your calendar for Saturday, April 14th, for our VBS carnival! There will be games, crafts, science experiments, prizes, and more! Lunch will be provided.
Women’s Life (GALS “Girlfriends Always Loving the Savior”)
Women’s Coffee/Breakfast meets Wednesday at 8:30am at the Country Corral in Shipshewana. Scrapbooking and Crafts meets here at NLF the second Saturday of every month at 9am.
Ladies Bible study meets on Mondays at 9:45am and 6:30pm and on Wednesdays at 9:00am. Visit the Women’s Ministry desk for more info.
GALS Movie Night
Attention Ladies! We have a dinner and movie night planned for Tuesday, March 20th. We are hoping to see the movie “I Can Only Imagine”. We will be dining at Hacienda Mexican Restaurant at the Linway Plaza in Goshen. Times will be announced as they become available. Please see the sign-up at the Women’s Ministry desk.
Men’s Life (Image Bearers)
Men’s Basketball (Hoops & Prayer) meets Mondays at 7pm at Chuck Christner’s. Contact Pastor Jordan for more info (810)956-4310.