This Sunday, Dec. 20th:
This Sunday we will have our Christmas Celebration Service at 9:00am and 10:30am.
Pastor Drew will continue to teach his sermon series, “Reordering Our Priorities”.
We will celebrate communion in both worship services.
There will be nursery & toddler care and children’s programming for all ages during the second service. If you prefer, you may attend the first service and sit together as a family.
The service will be live streamed only during the 9:00am service. It will be posted on Face Book if you prefer to watch the service at a later time.
Thank you for your generosity!
A big thank you to all who provided gifts for our adopted families, grocery gift cards, and food for the food pantry! Your generosity is a huge blessing to families in our community! Thanks for responding to these needs and opportunities!
24 Hour Prayer Vigil:
This Sunday, December 20th is our next 24 hour prayer vigil. If you signed up for a time segment, you will receive a text or call from the person before you when it is your time. Please respond and let that person know you are taking over in prayer. If you have not signed up and would still like to have a spot in the prayer vigil please contact Michelle Sharick.
Christmas Eve Service:
Please join us for a Hot Chocolate bar and photo op at our annual Christmas Eve service Thursday Dec. 24th at 6pm! A musical prelude begins at 5:45. Special story time for kids, lighting the final advent candle, and worshiping in song together as we celebrate His joyous birth. We will conclude the service with our traditional candle lighting. The service will be live-streamed as well for those who are not able to attend.
Job Opportunity:
Compassion Pregnancy Center, a ministry partner of NLF, is looking to hire a Site Director for their LaGrange Center. If you or anyone you know is looking to serve in an established pro-life ministry, please contact Kim Ryall @ 260-668-7773 or by email at
CPC is a faith based, nonprofit, pro-life ministry located in LaGrange and Steuben counties.
Covid Care:
If you or your family become ill with Covid, please let the staff know so that we can pray for you and support you. NLF has an amazing Covid Care Team and Caring Meals Ministry that can provide meals, groceries, and anything else you might need as you recover and go through the quarantine period.
A big thank you to those who have been providing meals and helping meet these needs!
Holiday schedule at NLF:
Sunday, December 20: Christmas Celebration Service
Thursday, December 24: Christmas Eve Service 6pm (service will also be live-streamed)
Sunday, Dec. 27: Virtual Service only; Facebook Live
Monday, Dec. 28- Friday Jan. 1: Church office will be closed
Please refer to this on-call schedule as needed:
December 24-27 Pastor Drew
December 28-30 Pastor Jordan
December 31-Jan. 3 Pastor Russ