New Life Fellowship | Topeka, IN

January 9, 2020


Baptism Service

We will be offering an opportunity for baptism on Sunday, February 9th during the morning worship service. If you would like to publicly display your commitment to follow Jesus, please stop by the Info Desk and pick up a baptism testimony form. There will be an all-church celebration lunch following the baptism service.


Baby Bottle Fundraiser

NLF is participating in the Compassion Pregnancy Center’s annual baby bottle drive. Baby bottles are available in the foyer for you to take home, fill with change, and return by Sunday, Feb. 16th. Your loose change allows Compassion Pregnancy Center to continue caring for mothers, babies, and life!


Night To Shine

NLF will be serving the food at “Night to Shine,” an event for young adults with special needs on Friday, Feb. 7th. We are in need of 10-12 volunteers to help serve the food. Volunteers are also needed to serve as buddies. If interested, please sign up at the info desk. Contact Wilma Miller for more info.


Men’s Life

All men are invited to participate in “Man Up” which meets on Tuesday evenings from 6-7pm here at NLF.


Women’s Life

Women’s Coffee/Breakfast meets Wednesday mornings at 8:30 am at Country Corral in Shipshewana.



Moms-n-More will resume meeting on Thursday Jan. 16th. This group of moms meets in the café at NLF at 6pm every other Thursday. They will be studying the book, “Lies Women Believe: And the Truth That Sets Them Free”. Contact Alissa McDonald for more information.