New Life Fellowship | Topeka, IN

March 5, 2020


Preschool Enrollment

NLF Little Sprouts Preschool is now accepting applications for the 2020-2021 school year. If you would like an application, please contact Missy Eichelberger or Molly Ryall. Applications are also available in the church office. The older class (4-5 year olds) fills up quickly, so don’t delay! Preschool spots are available on a first come, first serve basis. Thank you!


24-Hour Prayer Vigil

NLF will be having another 24-hour prayer vigil on Friday, March 20th. If you would like to participate, please see the sign up sheet at the back of the sanctuary. For more information contact Michelle Sharick or Joyce Brown.


Missions Opportunity

Michelle Sharick will be leading a missions trip to Kenya, Africa through Deaf Child Hope International from June11- 22. There are several open spots for this trip. The cost will be approximately $2400. If interested, please contact Michelle as soon as possible.


Kids’ Country Easter Event

Kids’ Country is collecting candy donations for our 2nd annual Easter egg hunt on March 29th. If you would like to contribute, please bring individually wrapped candy that can fit inside plastic eggs. Collection bins are available in the lobby and in Kids’ Country hallway.


Preteens 24+ Event

This year during VBS, the preteens (grades 4-6th) will be having their own event from Thursday June 11th at 5:45pm through Friday June 12th at 8:00pm. This “Wipe Out” event will include activities, fun, food and a chance for the preteens to connect relationally with each other and their leaders. More details coming soon! You may register your preteen at the VBS table or on-line using the VBS link.


Mystery Island VBS

June 8-12th will be our 2020 VBS for children ages 4 years through 3rd grade. Sign ups are available in the foyer, on the NLF facebook page, or you may register on-line. This year, VBS will take place in the evenings from 5:45-8:00pm, so please take note of this important change!